Aula 3

In this class we create a variety of diferent 3D objects and we explord some boolean operations with some of them.

The first object we creat was the Cube
Using the following commands: 

We created the cube, using the the command "BOX" with the coordinates (x,y,z) ➜ (10,10,10)

Then we created another object this time with the coordinates ➜ (50,10,2)  

Commands used:

CHPROP - Colours (change colours)

Colours examples:
1 - red
4 - light blue

(I chose 4 - light blue)
Then double enter

Next exercise: 

In this exercise we were working with cones to explore Boolean operations.

First we did one cone with a circumference radius of 10 units and height of 10 units as well.

Then we prepared the Layers we were going to use:

After it, we copied the first cone:

After it, we copied the first cone:

COPY - coordinates: @(0,0,2)

(they have to intersect with each other)


Trying Subtract:
Using the command SUBTRACT
Select the top cone and then ENTER

Then select the other cone and then ENTER

Then we have the result:

For the next exercise we make a new cone (or copy the first cone we did) with 10 of radius and height, and we also copy this one by the vertex with the coordinates @(0,0,2).   

Then we COPY it to have a total of 6 cones.
Making sure they are aligned and together as shown in the image below.

Using the command UNION again, we select the top cones. ENTER
Then we do the same for the bottom cones.

Finally, we use the command SUBTRACT selecting the top cones first (now together as one object) and then the bottom cones (also together). ENTER

Next exercise:

We copy the cone we did previous on the first exercise:

This one 

Then we select the cone using the command 3DMIRROR: 

It will ask to pick 3 points (to define the plan that will work as a mirror), in this case we can use the vertex and other two random points in the same horizontal plan.
We say NO when it asks if we want to delete source objects.


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